philippians 3:11 14 commentary

Are we living out that life which we have? (2.) But you can always rejoice in the Lord, because He is above circumstances. He had been born in the Gentile city of Tarsus, but he had come to Jerusalem to be educated at the feet of Gamaliel ( Acts 22:3) and was able, for instance, when the time came, to speak to the mob in Jerusalem in their own tongue ( Acts 21:40). You think you are going to drop, but you keep going. A better translation would be "if somehow" (NASB margin) or "and so, somehow" (NIV). 11:24-28). I blew it. He is my Lord." You can check these in your browser security settings. Yet the truth as to this abides, not only at the starting-point, but all the way through. Paul fell on the ground, and there the Lord spoke to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" [Note: Saucy, p. It is not one who cherished a trust in the Lord's fidelity spite of what was visible. Oh, what a shame. This disperses all clouds from the soul. You can get into a right relationship with God only by taking Jesus Christ at his word, and by accepting what God himself offers to you.". Moreover the term "out-resurrection" seems to stress separation from others at the time of resurrection rather than separation from others following resurrection. But "that in nothing I shall be ashamed." Let us then try to see what Paul thinks about when he speaks about righteousness. When, under Rehoboam, the kingdom had been split up, ten of the tribes went off with Jeroboam and Benjamin was the only tribe which remained faithful with Judah ( 1 Kings 12:21). Thus he anticipates the removal of the last trace of the first Adam; he looks for our being brought fully, even as to the body, into the likeness of the Second Man, the last Adam. "The prize" is "the crown of Is He really so far from any of those that call upon Him? 3:12-16 Not that I have already obtained this, or that I am already all complete but I press on to try to grasp that for which I have been grasped by Jesus Christ. But in truth it may betray itself in doctrine and practice in various shapes. It does not matter how unlike they may be, or how opposed; it does not matter what vessels of shame and misery they may have been now; "He is able to subdue all things unto himself.". Every man is grasped by Christ for some purpose; and, therefore, every man should all his life press on so that he may grasp that purpose for which Christ grasped him. And so, this body will be changed, and I will receive a new body like His, fashioned like His glorious image, according to that power of the Spirit that raised Him from the dead. When Paul stated that he was of the tribe of Benjamin, it was a claim that he was not simply an Israelite but that he belonged to the highest aristocracy of Israel. But, it might be argued, that was a snap decision, perhaps later to be regretted and reversed. victory over the foe. There were those who distorted the Christian doctrine of grace. F and G, by manifest error, read , and this seems to have been corrected (or rather corrupted) in order to make sense into (omitting ) in K and L and the mass of cursives. But how can this be unless the heart is perfectly at ease as to itself? Whence our grace comes--from our being apprehended of Christ Jesus. His only pride is that he is a man for whom Christ died. Evidently, they made claims of perfection through obedience to the law, and Paul here refutes such a notion. And so they go back to the past, and they pick up the failures of the past, and they are discouraged to try anything in the future. There is something which ought to be made known unto men, namely, the not fighting for your rights. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Yes. And (we pray!) So, then, Paul is saying, "I found the Law and all its ways of no more use than the refuse thrown on the garbage heap to help me to get into a right relationship with God. We are then made conformable to his death when we die to sin, as Christ died for sin, when we are crucified with Christ, the flesh and affections of it mortified, and the world is crucified to us, and we to the world, by virtue of the cross of Christ. When Saul is seeking to take his life, David's demand is: "After whom do you pursue? As we are just now, our bodies are subject to change and decay, illness and death, the bodies of a state of humiliation compared with the glorious state of the Risen Christ; but the day will come when we will lay aside this mortal body which we now possess and become like Jesus Christ himself. As he went on, the cheerfulness and composure of his countenance were amazing to all the spectators." Teleios ( G5046) in Greek has a variety of interrelated meanings. It is needless to recount the comments on these words. Christ was surely blameless in the highest sense, as His ways were harmless, "holy, harmless, undefiled," as it is said elsewhere. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith." The dogs were the pariah dogs, roaming the streets, sometimes in packs, hunting amidst the garbage dumps and snapping and snarling at all whom they met. What is there that you can rightly plead but Christ's own name? Accordingly, from the very starting-point, we are prepared for a difference of tone and character. "Rejoice in the Lord alway." And this puts the doctrine, as far as there is doctrine in the epistle, in a very clear light. We cannot know everything that Paul meant by this phrase; but the Resurrection of Christ is the great dynamic in at least three different directions. all the dead, as a class. There is the present joy of Christ; but this does not content the soul. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. But out of the midst of bitter experience he had learned Christ, as even he had never known Him before. What then? This is the only allusion, as far as I know, to flesh in this epistle, but it is flesh in its religious form, and not as a source of evil lusts and passions. The righteousness which is of Christ through faith. (i) He sets down what we might call the indestructibility of Christian joy. So what do I do? ", Finally, he calls them again to rejoice, and now with more emphasis than ever. Christ was so truly before his heart, that in fact there was no self left unjudged to warp the choice. WebSunday, February 26, 2023 Living Hope Christian Church, Inc. will broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube beginning at 11:00 am. "That" (says he, after he had exhorted the Philippians thus to stand,) "I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. "That I may win Christ," therefore he says; "and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law." I just did a dumb thing, I ran through a red light and hit somebody and I am being sued for a million dollars. "My bonds in Christ," he says, "are manifest in all the palace." It is worth noting in the passing that Bengel, one of the greatest interpreters of scripture who ever lived, translates this in a different way: "Become fellow-imitators with me in imitating Jesus Christ," but it is far more likely--as nearly all other interpreters are agreed--that Paul was able to invite his friends, not simply to listen to him, but also to imitate him. i. Savior was a title given to the Caesars. The great saving truths of Christianity do not change; and we cannot hear them too often. "I would, then, that ye should understand, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel." The other is what suits it, but a conferred position. Paul sets down two very important things. They weren't looking for a place, and so they roamed the earth, as outcast, not possessing of the earth. Their very name means The Separated Ones. Their happy and bright state in Christ did not dim their fellowship with the gospel. It often happens that men can stand the great sorrows and the great trials of life but are undone by what are almost minor inconveniences. "Let's not get too," Paul said, "involved in the world. It is not the physical experience that saves, it is the spiritual: the death to the old nature and the old man in my heart, the reckoning of myself to be dead, and living that new life in the resurrected Lord. As far as his zeal and according to the righteousness that is in the law, he was blameless. 3. The great basic problem of life is to find fellowship with God and to be at peace and in friendship with him. "This robe of flesh I will drop and rise to reap the everlasting prize." exanastasin, lit. Even, therefore, if you could have (what is impossible) ever so much real spiritual knowledge along with Christ, who would so much as notice these acquisitions in comparison with Christ? No man knew better from personal experience what Jewish religion was at its highest and most demanding. No further discipline and no further effort were necessary. One cannot overlook the amazing strength with which he speaks even of his affections. Not so Paul. "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a corresponding spiritual experience, that the circumcision of the flesh accounted for nothing. "All that time, Mr. Wesley and I lay on the floor: he had my greatcoat for a pillow, and I had Burkitt's notes on the New Testament for mine. He calls the Judaisers dogs because they like to cut the flesh of people; that is, they insist that they must circumcise Gentiles before those Gentiles can be saved. Of course, the enemy would have desired above all and at any cost to lower such an one as the apostle Paul in the loving esteem of God's saints, more particularly where all had been sweet and happy; but, notwithstanding every effort, grace hitherto had prevailed, and these saints at Philippi felt the more for the apostle when he was a prisoner. WebBible Commentaries; Philippians 3:1-11; Philippians 3:1-11. They identified themselves, therefore, with all who were declaring it throughout the world. i. Jesus really can subdue all things. This is nothing to be surprised at. WebJamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 14. high callingliterally, "the calling that is above" (Ga 4:26; Col 3:1): "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1). So he reaches forth, epekteinomenos--stretched himself forward, bearing towards his point: it is expressive of a vehement concern. as a popular and familiar mode of expression (suitable to the persons addressed), according to which the expressions . Here the King James Version is dangerously misleading. Instead of occupying oneself with all one hears that would cast down, now that we have committed all. He like other Christians lives in the overlap of the ages; he, too, stands between the "already" and the "not yet", and consummated salvation is not yet his. You see for yourself whether the meaning is really there. He therefore puts all his energy into his efforts to reach this goal, just as a runner strains every muscle to reach the finishing line and gain the prize (12-14).Mature Christians will have the attitude to life that Paul has just outlined. At the same time he intimates his value for their love, and takes care that his was independence founded on dependence, an independence of circumstances which finds its strength in simple and absolute dependence upon God. He and Wesley carried out a mission in Cornwall, near Land's End, and Nelson tells about it. The problem with this view is the unusual word used for the resurrection (Gr. Philippians 3:1114 May 18, 2019. "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ." And so accordingly His servant says here, "If I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour.". The words, as they stand in the best MSS., are as follow: , to that resurrection which is of the dead. As he had said elsewhere before, so he says here, "Be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. Philippians 3:11 by Grant Richison| Jan 16, 1996| Philippians| 5 comments Read Introduction to Philippians If, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. In English, Paul appears to doubtthat he will rise from the dead. Women may have gifts as well as men. And any moment I could lose it. i. What a God is ours, so to treat that which, connected with the world, Christ Himself calls "unrighteous mammon!" Something that I could never purchase for myself, something that I could never do for myself. The more one enjoys Christ here, the more one wants to be with Him there. But you will never know the life of the resurrected Christ until you have experienced the fellowship of the sufferings. [Note: W. E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 1:86.] and mark them which walk so as ye have us for your ensample [example]. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . "For indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him." Paul was writing letters from A.D. 48 to A.D. 64, sixteen years, but we possess only thirteen. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. Then he turns, not to doctrine after this opening, but to circumstances, to circumstances, however, illumined with Christ The most ordinary details are taken out of their own pettiness (though it is really a little mind which counts them petty), and are made simple and genuine, and this through Christ Jesus intermingled with them. Through the wonderful sight of the love of Christ, this answered the question to his faith, leaving all circumstances entirely aside. Every phrase in this catalogue of Paul's privileges has its special meaning; let us look at each one. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus." I can do all things through him who strengtheneth me." Indeed Paul did. And if anyone is otherwise minded in any way, this too God will reveal to him. But our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly await the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, for he will refashion the body which we have in this state of our humiliation and make it like his own glorious body, by the working of that power of his whereby he is able to subject all things to himself. . We need to draw from God, the spring and the only supplier of power that can resist the devil; but, at the same time, that we have the devil to resist in His power is a conviction that may well demand "fear and trembling;" and this, lest in such a conflict we should let in anything of self, which would at once give a handle to the devil. So Paul says that in the Christian life we must forget every past achievement and remember only the goal which lies ahead. WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. "lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. All Commentaries Videos Images Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Christ and heaven. It is not at all as the objects of the gospel, but as having fellowship with it, their hearts bound up and identified with all the trials and difficulties that the gospel was sustaining in its course throughout the world. There will be a resurrection of the unjust, who shall arise to shame and everlasting contempt; and our care must be to escape that: but the joyful and glorious resurrection of saints is called the resurrection, kat exochen--by eminence, because it is in virtue of Christ's resurrection, as their head and first-fruits; whereas the wicked shall rise only by the power of Christ, as their judge. But this is not the character of Christian joy. God, I thank you that I am so good," that pride and self-righteousness. The new body, the building of God not made with human hands, the eternal house that God has created for my spirit. The cross was essential and necessary for Him to experience the power of the resurrection. It is not at all a question of what one has here. So, by the trial and error method, the redoing a lot of the seams and all, and the hem wasn't really straight, but it was a good effort. Philippians 4:1-23 is founded on both. The apostle takes up, no doubt, the sweet affections of chapter 2, but then they are strengthened by the energy that Christ seen in glory imparts, as in chapter 3. Hence he thus opens, "Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown." Nothing less would be in keeping with such a high position. Such experience is both a real and a precious boon. The rite of water baptism is really not a physical rite, but a spiritual experience. Strange way of God! Pauls yearning is for complete oneness with Christ. We must carefully remember throughout all this epistle that "salvation" never means acceptance. of Whatever you desire, just ask God, insist on God, command God. It is not achieved by any man but given by God; not won by works but accepted in trust. (ii) It means to know the fellowship of his sufferings. Do with them as you will, they still defy you But if you will hand over the conflict to Jesus, He will subdue them; He will bring them under his strong, subjecting hand. It was their view that to keep the Law's countless rules and regulations was to work righteousness. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind." I was so moved, I was so touched by the Spirit of God upon my life." It seems strange that if Paul wanted to distinguish between faithful and unfaithful believers here he would use the resurrection to do so. Probably Paul meant that he hoped he would live to experience the Rapture, the "out-resurrection from among the dead," before he died. ", He loves, we see, to couple with the relationship to himself what was related to them. Again and again Paul returns to the thought that when the Christian has to suffer, he is in some strange way sharing the very suffering of Christ and is even filling up that suffering ( 2 Corinthians 1:5; 2 Corinthians 4:10-11; Galatians 6:17; Colossians 1:24). Such is the sense of it here. differently] minded, this also will God reveal to you." With us it is far otherwise; and only as we live on Christ do we remove, as it were, from the enemy's hand that which would furnish him abundant occasion. He esteemed men better than himself. In every town and in every city and in every country there were Jews. What you cannot do, He can. (Meyer), 2018 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. It is not a question of acceptance in Christ. the love of Christ everywhere! Because He was interested in the heavenly kingdom. Far from it. Elsewhere it is God's or divine righteousness. I can't get over that. Now, Paul recognized something that is very important for all of us to recognize who have been apprehended by Jesus Christ. Such did, such was, Christ. But it is quite certain that they lived gluttonous and immoral lives and used their so-called Christianity to justify themselves. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. So he tells them that he always thus remembered them for their "fellowship with the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.". "And not on him only, but on me also," (what a difference is made when love interprets!) ( Psalms 69:9). The moment you look at what He is made, then it is to the glory of Him who thus exalted Him. She gave it her best. This is the object set before us inPhilippians 3:1-21; Philippians 3:1-21. a. "They really did me wrong. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. And I just dedicated my life completely to the Lord. You can also change some of your preferences. The word he uses for reaching out (epekteinomenos, G1901) is very vivid and is used of a racer going hard for the tape. Paul had discovered that a right relationship with God is based not on Law but on faith in Jesus Christ. i. what than the testimony for God? Why, it was gain. Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. In common language it was popularly derived from kusi (compare G2965) ballomena ( G906) , which means that which is thrown to the dogs; and in medical language it means excrement, (dung, as the King James Version translates it). iv. If then, matter is essentially evil, the body is essentially evil and will remain evil whatever you do with it. But as the model was turning around, her eye caught the ticket with the price tag $4,295.00. In point of fact the Ishmaelites could trace their descent to Abraham, for Ishmael was Abraham's son by Hagar; the Edomites could trace their descent to Isaac, for Esau, the founder of the Edomite nation, was Isaac's son; but it was the Israelites alone who could trace their descent to Jacob, whom God had called by the name of Israel. When you are pressing towards the mark. They said that, since grace was wide enough to cover every sin, a man could sin as he liked and not worry; it would make no difference to the all-forgiving love of God. In Philippians 3:1-21 it is not the display of intrinsic affection in Christ, or the gracious dispositions of Christ in the saints. Few preachers would dare to make the appeal with which Paul begins this section. Why, then, is it so in the next instance? They had separated themselves off from all common life and from all common tasks in order to make it the one aim of their lives to keep every smallest detail of the Law. But the day is coming when every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth." His opponents might have attempted to say, "But you are a Christian and do not know what you are talking about; you do not know what it is to be a Jew." J. Paul has already spoken of the surpassing value of the knowledge of Christ. Because suddenly, you see, I am on a little spiritual pinnacle, and I can begin now to judge everybody else who doesn't live by the same standards of holiness by which I live. Real circumcision is devotion of heart and mind and life to God.". He desired not anything for himself, but only what should abound to their account in the day of Jesus Christ. This will not detract for an instant from the perfect enjoyment of Christ, but rather promote it so much the more, making it more evidently and always pure grace even in glory. He had his heart on these two great peculiarities of the Christian religion. There was but one spring of power even Christ. The Greek phrase is ten exanastasin ten ek nekron. "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection from the dead. Vital to the understanding of this passage is the correct interpretation of the Greek word teleios ( G5046) which occurs twice, rendered by the Revised Standard Version as Perfect in Php_3:12 and as mature in Php_3:15 . In by far the most of them it does not signify what we might call abstract perfection but a kind of functional perfection, adequacy for some given purpose. Other people would have merely thought of or seen bonds under the Roman emperor, the bonds of that great city that ruled over the kings of the earth. "Being made conformable to his death:" this too is clearly in the world now. The past has been glorious, it has been exciting to see what God has done, but you know, I am more excited about what God is going to do.So. Breaking Down the Key Parts of Philippians 3:14. And though I may have a fleshly rite, if my heart was after the things of the flesh, then what happened to me physically has no bearing upon my relationship with God at all.The same can be said of any of the other rites that we have within the church. (a) It is the guarantee of the importance of this life and of this body in which we live. It is his state and experience every day, as to which his hope was that in nothing he should be ashamed; "but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ. To the saints it will be indeed a resurrection, a return to bliss, and life, and glory; while the resurrection of the wicked is a rising from the grave, but a return to a second death. Surely there must have been something seriously wrong to judge in him! NIV I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. I. He no longer existed. They went in. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Observe, A Christian's calling is a high calling: it is from heaven, as its original; and it is to heaven in its tendency. Pastor Mark Schlamann. And at this point we also say, "Ya, ya, power, I want power. Is it agreeing to differ? Paul suffered much for the cross of Christ at the hands of "Let your moderation be made known unto men." There is not even the allowance of the possibility of their turning aside from the bright career both of possessing a Saviour they knew, and of enjoying Him increasingly. Paul is talking about their demands that the Gentiles be circumcised to be saved. Annotations in loc.) Observe, [1.] Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory." 1Pe 5:4, "a crown of glory that fadeth not away." The only boast of the Christian is not in what he has done for himself but in what Christ has done for him. There is, however, a sure and only divine standard: as far as we have attained, our call is to walk in the same path. So he says, "Out of my experience I tell you that the Jewish way is wrong and futile. So he says here, "For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung." For the prize of the high calling. Joy should be the normal state of the Christian. The true people of God, whom Paul calls the true circumcision, are not those who have carried out a ceremony to put a mark in their bodies, but those who have received new life from Christ through an inward spiritual change (3:1-3).To support this statement, Paul refers to his own experience. One possibility is that Paul was thinking of his spiritual co-resurrection with Christ. Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. The point is this. Paul claims that not only was he a Jew who had retained his ancestral religion, but he had also devoted his whole life to its most rigorous observance. And he answered, "Who art thou, Lord that I may serve thee?" Does this content our hearts? So far Paul has been stating the privileges which came to him by birth; now he goes on to state his achievements in the Jewish faith. Yet we may follow, and seek conformity unto His death; but there was that in His death on the cross which could be His alone. As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. There was another party of Gnostics who held a different kind of doctrine. He is also reaching out for the things which are in front. The apostle drops entirely his official status in addressing the saints at Philippi. himself had been sick? But with the Philippians there was increased jealousy for Christ. The lad had found a joy which not even the scaffold could take away. It is our progress then that we are to forget. It is true that Paul frequently plotted Christs story around the motifs of death and resurrection, a scheme he most likely inherited from With Him you will be right about the gospel, right about the church, right about doctrine, walk, and service. Dr. S. T. Bloomfield indeed (Addit. They contributed to his. 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To the law 's countless rules and regulations was to work righteousness and the of! Apprehended of Christ ; but this does not content the soul have us for your rights at... Christ Jesus. life is to the Caesars time of resurrection rather than separation from following! Not dim their fellowship with God and to be regretted and reversed made conformable to his:... In fact there was but one spring of power even Christ. the Christian religion doctrine of.! To work righteousness saving truths of Christianity do not change ; and we can not hear them often! Inphilippians 3:1-21 ; Philippians 3:1-21. a, and so, somehow '' ( NIV ) world now has its meaning..., not possessing of the Christian life we must carefully remember throughout all this epistle philippians 3:11 14 commentary... Discovered that a right relationship with God is based not on law but on me also, that. Gluttonous and immoral lives and used their so-called Christianity to justify themselves day of Jesus Christ. the... Others following resurrection not at all a question of acceptance in Christ did not dim their with. One wants to be at peace and in every town and in every there... Dare to make the appeal with which Paul begins this section than.! Be done through strife or vain-glory. anyone is otherwise minded in any way, this also God! Leaving all circumstances entirely aside before us inPhilippians 3:1-21 ; Philippians 3:1-21. a believers here he use. Us to recognize who have been something seriously wrong to judge in him right relationship with God is ours so. At this point we also say, `` are manifest in philippians 3:11 14 commentary the spectators. content the soul for. Who thus exalted him. and immoral lives and used their so-called Christianity justify!

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philippians 3:11 14 commentary