olympians react to god of war fanfiction

through unknown means were apparently either killed by the Titans or perished in the ensuing Chaos.[1]. As Kratos journeyed through the Aegean Sea, he noticed a massive shipwreck caused by the creature. Kratos' mind is chocked with a thick fog after awaking, much to the worry of his large family. Her ashes were scattered at the highest peak. Supposedly, thanks to the annihilation of the Greek Pantheon caused by Kratos, the last prophecy depicted in the third mural of the Hall of the Fates will also be fulfilled in the years to come: with all the Greek gods and goddesses destroyed (along with the Titans and most of the Greek mythological creatures), and the power of Hope released to humanity, people of Greece can reborn in a world freed by the old deities and embrace the new monotheistic religion of Christ. Kratos saved the world by leaving his daughter in Elysium and destroying Persephone, who told him that he would never be free from his nightmares. The Robert Reacts thread on SpaceBattles is pretty interesting. Destroy my enemies, and my life is yours! Callisto, however, was forbidden by Zeus to tell either child who their father was. In Sparta, Zeus, together with a mortal woman named Callisto, became the father of two warriors, with the oldest onebeing Kratos andthe youngestone being Deimos. Percy did so by controlling the liquids in Luke's body, gaining control of his body. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13398640/1/The-RWBY-Casts-Watches-the-Multiverse, Lazy Beacon Days: Reading Boldores and Boombsticks, Describing The Series Via References [RWBY]. With your father? Thor asked slowly.Yes?So you never got adopted onto the royal family? He explained that Kratos was the warrior Ares sought and for that reason, Ares helped Kratos against the barbarians. Athena also placed the essence of Hope inside the box, as a means to counteract the Evils in the event that the box was ever opened. Kratos was rendered mortal, as Zeus revealed himself to have orchestrated the fight between the Colossus and Kratos, betraying him and killing him using the blade. Even less does Atreus know how to interact with his younger-lived father that he meets when he arrives, especially when the man is bringing about extreme chasms of destruction and war to his land, as well as seeming to be in large amounts of emotional anguish. Instead, he was captured. A 10 year, Freya-centric story of their journey together and how two broken people could put themselves back together with each other's help. Eventually, Kratos caught up with Hermes, leading to a chase in which Kratos struggled to keep up. Crackfic with a little bit of hurt and suffering peppered in. Kratos returned to his home in Sparta, where he was met by Orkos. When Kratos found Helios, the gravely injured God appealed to Kratos to save him in exchange for any favor the Ghost of Sparta wanted, Kratos demanded to know the location of the Flame of Olympus, but Helios taunted him for his adamant desire to kill Zeus. If he even has what it takes. Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, the Charites, Hercules, Dionysus, the Muses, Hebe, and Persephone were children of Zeus and Aphrodite was bornofsea foam fromOuranos's remains were all later recognized as Olympians. This is the question that they find themselves facing, as unfamiliar challenges arise, and their certainty starts to crumble. i think react fics should do youtube videos and movies. She and Tisiphone attempted to misdirect him, as a building he enters is projected as a brothel. As the new god of war, Kratos was far more ruthless than Ares ever was. After mercilessly beating Hercules to death, Kratos fell into the sewers. Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. With your father? Thor asked slowly.Yes?So you never got adopted onto the royal family? Using the Blade of the Gods, Kratos managed to kill Ares once and for all. Zeus, realizing the danger they posed if left free, commissioned Hephaestus to construct a vessel to contain them -Pandora's Box- which would be placed within the Flame of Olympus to ensure that no one could ever release the Evils within. But my foolish act of compassion would haunt the Titans forever. Alarmed by the realization that Kratos was searching for Pandora herself, he sent Kratos on a suicide mission to find the Omphalos Stone in the hopes that Cronos would kill him. Lifting Luke's left arm and removing his armor, Percy stabbed him an inch below his arm pit. Protecting her father, she flung herself in front of Kratos and was stabbed instead. Many of the gods were left unmentioned in. After a perilous journey, Kratos uses the Amulet of Uroborus to fully restore the statue and retrieve the Eyes from the Lantern. In Greek mythology, the gods, also called the Olympians (), were the principal gods of the Greek pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus, a place forbidden for any mortal to travel unless given direct authorization to do so by the gods themselves. (A character study). Overlooking the battle, Zeus saw the Titans and Gods were evenly matched. The oath keeper revealed that he is the son of Ares and Alecto. They get wrapped up in the conflicts of another land, and face these problems, together.Slow building relationship between Freya & Kratos. Since his exile from his doomed homeland, the Ghost of Sparta has seen visions of Athena who haunts him in his mind urging him to return home and to fulfill his purpose. With her guidance, Kratos was given Medusa's Gaze from Aphrodite, Zeus' Fury from Zeus, the Blade of Artemis from Artemis, and the Army of Hades from Hades. Jakob knew this had to be Ares, the God of War. I really like these snippets, as they highlight the culture clash with Westeros values. Over the next two weeks, Kratos is tortured by the Furies in the Prison of the Damned. "Then show me what you know, I'm hungry" the voice stepped out of the shadows and it revealed to be Izuku but he looked different, he had a big beard, his top was showing his massive 6 pack, he had a massive red marking around his face and chest and he looked way more muscular The girls blushed of how he looked while Tsu and Ochaco had a nosebleed and almost fainted. When he came of age, he journeyed back to the Island of Creation and forced Cronos to regurgitate his siblings. The death of Helios resulted in the Sun being enshrouded by darkness and a torrential rainfall upon the world. (This is probably going to be a slow burn. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After killing the Sisters, Kratos went back in time to the point where he was betrayed by Zeus. Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. She revealed that he was Zeus' son and that a vicious cycle of revenge had been passed down by his bloodline. The murder of his family was meant to be one of three "tests" that would bind Kratos to Ares's will. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". During the second day, Percy faced the Titan Lord of the East Hyperion and the Titan of Destruction Perses. Instead, he was captured. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (391), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (76), Heimdall is still an asshole but he cares, Heimdall learns people can care about him, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Heimdall (God of War)/Original Female Character(s), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Midoriya Izuku Has the Venom Symbiote (Marvel), With You, The World I Shall Build, For You, The World I Shall Crumble, Younger Kratos Is Pretty Morally Ambiguous At Times Obviously, One Thing That Does Not Change Thought Is How Much He Loves His Family, Or More Like The Past Digging Itself To Atreus, But He Also Can't Do So Of His Own Volition Lmao, Same For Kratos But That Goes Without Being Said, Imagine Accidentally Making Yourself Go Back In Time To See Your Younger Father And His Homeland, Takes Place About Six Months Before Ragnark, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sorry to throw you under the bus Freya it's for a good cause. Seeing potential in the young warrior, Ares obliged, slaying the barbarians and giving Kratos the Blades of Chaos as a mark of his new allegiance. Between the choices of a redemption in the Nine Realms or leaving his sins behind to start anew, he picks the ladder. In an attempt to gain their favor, Cronos gifted the Sisters with the Steeds of Time. The rest of the gods were forced to listen to the pantheons increasingly childish argument. Rhea wrapped astone in cloth and Cronos swallowed it, foolishly believing it to be Zeus. They first appeared as the main allies of Kratos, granting him powerful magic and weapons throughout his journey. After killing Orkos, Kratos experienced the first of his many nightmares, previously masked by his bond to Ares: this was the price he had to pay for the truth. The Village Oracle gathered the ashes of Kratos loved ones and fastened them to his skin, permanently reminding him of the greatest sin he committed. One day Atreus has had enough and wants to prove himself to his Father. The increased vulnerability could also be due to the fact that Kratos possessed the Blade of Olympus, which could have rendered Poseidon's regenerative abilities useless in its presence. Kratos, once again opened Pandora's Box, hoping to use its power against Zeus, but was disappointed and shocked to learn that nothing was inside the box, while the King of Gods laughed at his son's failure. Since this is sort of a round robin-style thread where anyone can submit snippets, some bits are better than others, but there are a bunch of really fascinating snippets. In fact he is so strong he went toe-to-to. Zeus! Victorious from their battle with Poseidon, Kratos and Gaia reached Zeus, who then summoned a lightning bolt to blast them off the mountain, resulting in Kratos falling into the Underworld. Izuku stopped for a second and looked around the environment but just saw some birds flying away, he sighed and caught up to Kota, Kota saw the deer and readied his bow. #multiverse As he advanced on the Fury Queen, Tisiphone dispatched Daimon against him but Kratos simply used the Eyes to destroy the bird. The gods, along with the Titans, are supreme mythical beings that can create and control all kinds of magic and power. The year before the war actually started, Ares and his children, both immortal and mortal, betrayed Olympus. There are some that replace more characters with characters from RWBY. Izuku said but more mad "South" said Kota but more determined. As he wrapped his hands around her throat, Tisiphone transformed into Lysandra, causing Kratos to briefly cease his assault before shrugging it off and continuing his onslaught. But having an Olympian god as a father does have its fair share of problems. Many of the minor gods left the Olympians for the Titans, but the greatest of the betrayals came from Ares himself, the Olympian God of War. You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? The two had succeeded in fulfilled Faye's final wish. They both started to walk along the trail Kota was leading them, Kota was hopping on some rocks and slapped a tree branch making some snow fell but he stopped and looked down "Look tracks, they are fresh, this way" he said but more excited and started to run much more faster.Kota ran and saw the deer and that startled him a bit. Making his way to Alecto's chamber, Kratos manages to retrieve the Oath Stone from Tisiphone's pet bird, Daimon. Unbeknownst to Zeus, Hephaestus' choice was an attempt to protect Pandora, the living key to the Flame of Olympus whom Hephaestus had come to see as his own daughter. This battle also caused evils to accumulate, which would later be stored in Pandora's Box to protect humanity from corruption. #reactions But upon entering the chamber, the Furies project another illusion, this time of Kratos' home in Sparta. The war would completely reshape the landscape of the mortal world into its current shape. He swallowed hard to dislodge the lump formed in his throat. Arriving upon the Summit of Sacrifice, Kratos fought with great ferocity. After returning to Asgard, he is ashamed and refuses to be seen. She directed Kratos to a nearby portal, which he used to travel back to the Underworld, where he once again found Hephaestus. He knows one thing for sure, though: he's not letting his father die this time around. Kratos comes to face with the pain he etched into the hearts of many, including himself. Basically it's a ton of snippets about various characters from A Song of Ice and Fire/A Game of Thrones getting supernatural access to watch/read/play various stories, ranging from history videos to anime to old Biblical and Arthurian tales. As mentioned previously, the conclusion of the Great War also marked the birth of the Evils, ethereal manifestations of all of the world's vices and corruption. Over time, the Titans evolved from the island itself, becoming the source of all nature and magic. Atreus faces despair. Though not as detailed as the Resident Evil playthroughs, it's still pretty fun. nexus 7000 xbar module shekinah jo instagram. After leaving the Underworld, Kratos met Helios, the God of the Sun, in the war-torn city of Olympia. The Olympians faced betrayals not just from their own children, but from their fellow gods. And considering he just came out of a pink limo, and he saw a certain pink barbie house back at Camp Half-Blood, the limo can only contain one Goddess. Kratos attempted to save his brother, only for Ares to swat him aside, knocking him into a pile of wood. These snippets also often include extra characters like Baelish (who gets real jumpy when watching the videos about the South Sea financial bubble, as it's encouraging Robert to keep a closer eye on his money). But again, Kratos sees through it. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. The God of Seas entered the battle, leaping off the top of Olympus, targeting the Titan Epimetheus. Only the bravest hero shall solve its puzzles and survive its dangers. Enraged by the mortal's defiance, Ares drew his blade with the intention of killing the young Kratos, but Athena intervened, telling Ares that they had what they came for before apologizing to Kratos and departing back to the Heavens. Atreus knows not what to do when faced with the reality that he'd somehow managed to place himself in his father's homeland, far before his father's path intercrossed with his mother's, and far before the melody of his own life began. I've also find most reactions fic is pretty lazy and uninspiring because it's pretty much almost the same just with different materials and also the character OOC-ness pretty much put me off with most of them. Zeus was given domain over the heavens and was ultimately the ruler of both the gods and all of the universe; Poseidon was given domain over all forms of water, controlling the seas, winds and weather; Hades was given domain over the Underworld, the darkest realm of the world where the souls of the dead would journey. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX. Believing Kratos was dead, Zeus proceeded to destroy Sparta. Even so, Atreus knows his bond with his father will be forged to even greater strengths because of what they'll go through together; past, present, and future. With the help of his Hippocampi, which erupted from the water, Poseidon pulled at least one Titan off Mount Olympus before reaching Kratos and Gaia, in the form of a colossal watery construct. Hera encountered Kratos within her gardens, and taunted him, saying his simple mind would not allow him to escape. Who is it thats talking? This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. Kratos learns to write so he can send letters to his son. No, but thats a helluva prompt! While able to sustain great levels of damage, some Gods have been shown to die by injuries fatal to mortals. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (391), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (76), Heimdall is still an asshole but he cares, Heimdall learns people can care about him, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Heimdall (God of War)/Original Female Character(s), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Midoriya Izuku Has the Venom Symbiote (Marvel), With You, The World I Shall Build, For You, The World I Shall Crumble, Younger Kratos Is Pretty Morally Ambiguous At Times Obviously, One Thing That Does Not Change Thought Is How Much He Loves His Family, Or More Like The Past Digging Itself To Atreus, But He Also Can't Do So Of His Own Volition Lmao, Same For Kratos But That Goes Without Being Said, Imagine Accidentally Making Yourself Go Back In Time To See Your Younger Father And His Homeland, Takes Place About Six Months Before Ragnark, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sorry to throw you under the bus Freya it's for a good cause. Ya know weapons violince warriors +5 more # 12 But don't worry he is still very much terrible. I have found one good react-fic though: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13398640/1/The-RWBY-Casts-Watches-the-Multiverse. It's meant to be a normal day, but all it takes is one battle to change everything. Ruby couldn't have been any happier that her team played a vital role and came back together stronger. who is leaving channel 13 toledo. That left Kronos, using the body of Luke Castellan as his host until he reached his true power and returned to his true Titan form, fought Percy with the fate of the world on the line. Hi, you might want to change the flair to 'Recs Wanted'? Athena then appeared and asked Kratos to give back the power of Hope, which he had unknowingly used to defeat Zeus. Thinking of the gods as pathetic and weak, he found solace by leading Sparta in conquering the rest of Greece. The small family must prepare for Ragnarok if they wish for any hope of survival. I can change it for you if you like. #dekuverse Ignoring her, Kratos helped his Spartan comrades take over the city of Rhodes. After all, who better than him to provide information about the former queen?Atreus goes to Asgard with a new goal in mind.There he can gain the power he needs, thanks to Heimdall's reluctant training.But for how long will Atreus manage to keep his heart in the right place? You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? "At ease." Ares chuckled before smirking at his . He is lost. In one of the murals, the Olympians and the Titans were seen engaging in battle, which could either represent the original Titanomachy or the events of the Second Great War. #izukuxtsuyu olympians react to god of war fanfiction. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ares was ridiculously easy to beat, being downed in 3.5 seconds, and yes the Titan of Time counted how long it would take Ares to fail. But he is the son of a god of war. He then found his end attempting to kill Kratos so that his daughter, Pandora, would be protected from him. Next he targeted Camp Half-Blood, his children there attacking their friends, comrades and even lovers, killing some and injuring many more. Who Loki will become. She feels those words ringing in her head, again and again with the same angry male voice. Enough and wants to prove himself to his home in Sparta after awaking, much to Island. Ares to swat him aside, knocking him into a pile of wood in the Prison of gods... From the Island itself, becoming the source of all nature and magic their friends comrades! Sisters, Kratos managed to kill Kratos so that olympians react to god of war fanfiction daughter,,! Their own children, but all it takes is one battle to change everything second day, stabbed! 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olympians react to god of war fanfiction