baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition romance guide

If you want the exact verbiage for his epilogues, they are easily found online. Unhappy party members () and happy party members () will criticise or praise your party management. She says, What a crowd! Lets not think too much about the past. She likes that, and says Right! Neera isnt just a blanket to keep you warm. Baldurs Gate was huge, but this place makes it look like my hamlet back in the High Forest! A good reply is to let her know a bit about yourself, Imagine how this place looks to me. How to defeat certain monsters, getting mods to work, cheats and settings. LT1-LT9 can occur before completing his personal quest. Not even who you are. Actually, Im not sure it ended at all. I took advantage of a number of Internet sources for reference material: Corrections and clarifications are welcomed. Its full of terror and ecstasy. It was the purest kind of lonely. You continue to prod her, saying, And was feeling that way good or bad? She replies, Neither entirely. A couple of key notes about his quest are below: In Throne of Bhaal, the romance operates about the same way it did in SoA. Something to lift your spirits a bit. You should say, Youre welcome to try. She says, Great! It's unfortunate that they chose to shout. I just wanted you to know what youre getting into, in case and here you choose a reply. It has the additional benefit of coming with a conveniently placed merchant. But do it nicely.) I mean, there WAS lots to do, but most of it was pretty dull. Your saving throw goes down as you gain levels. I grew up in a library! Neera is interested and says, I forgot youre from Candlekeep. They start having personal conversations with you that are 3 to 8 layers deep. Its one of the things I like about you. (Note: The squishy and evasive answer that she is just her, also provokes a good response.) Continue a journey started in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, or customize a new hero to forge your path.Campaign ContentThe Enhanced Edition includes the original Shadows of Amn campaign, the Throne of Bhaal expansion, plus brand . The Imoen Romance Modification for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn The Imoen Romance Modification Welcome to the home of the Imoen Romance Modification for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and its expansion, Throne of Bhaal . Experience points are divided between all party members so that a party of five will level up more quickly than a party of six. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Nira's Guides Not enough ratings Rasaad Romance Guide By Nira This guide is for people interested in pursuing the romance pathway for Rasaad. Speaking of which, I sure am thirsty (Hint: buy your girl a drink when you are out on a date and she asks for a drink. In the Ruined Temple area, without any other apparent trigger, Neera started a conversation. I see. I couldn't find ANY comprehensive guide online on romancing Rasaad! This does mean a lot of micro-management, however, because you have to manually select targets for your characters to attack. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Here is some general guidance about how his epilogue will pan out depending on what you choose to do, without giving too much away. I wanted to talk about the way we left things back on the Sword Coast Remember, when dealing with Neera that she has low self-confidence. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Dr Urchin's Guides Not enough ratings Romancing Neera in BG2 EE By Dr Urchin This is a guide to the romance quest with Neera. Anomen will always think the protagonist is a woman, even if they are male). Instead, either tell her you might or else that you do have feelings for her. So, I got up, got my things together, and walked out. You can say, Why didnt you talk to him? and it will provoke the response, I was afraid I guess. So, this guide practically wrote itself. It's intended to be light on spoilers so someone playing through the game for the first time can use it to keep on track, and includes helpful console commands. Dont you? You actually can make more than one answer, as long as you dont try to hurt her feelings. Grand Mastery will add an additional half attack for a total of five attacks per two rounds. Level is an overloaded word in Dungeons & Dragons. If you are playing a good-aligned party, just play the game. Extensive guide for the Jaheira romance, including all dialogues, quests and lovetalk variable counting, in the german walkthrough site from Yiya. But I DID fit in, in a way. Whoa! If you're intending to go for the Platinum Trophy, I would use a dedicated playthrough to unlock True Lord of Murder since killing a Silver Dragon, for example, might prove impossible on the highest difficulty. Lift up your left boot. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Buns. In the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, these two points are restored when Viconia is dismissed; decrease and increase happen every time, she joins or leaves. An enormous pod, obviously, with an outhouse and a wood-burning stove. There are several good closers. I this is just REALLY hard to talk about. The results of your reputation score are shown in the following table: If a companion is at breaking point (), they will leave the party no questions asked and will, in most cases, disappear from the game never to be seen again. Get one for yourself while youre at it. You say, Very well. In my case, she started it at a very inappropriate time, because I was in the middle of killing the wizards of the Order of the Eight Staves. I didnt think through the ending very well. And you should say, I thought the ending was quite appropriate. Because it is. Im not sure I know anything about what most people call love. Sometimes, this isn't as terminal as it sounds since you can pay to have a companion brought back to life at a temple (or use a Raise Dead spell). Some worried he would become a slave to the divine essence of the dead god within him, the god of well, killing things. Baldur's Gate was a revelation in CRPGs in 1998 with unparalleled world building, writing and strategic depth. Romantic possibilities are endless. Baldur's Gate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Maybe a guide exists somewhere and I just never found it? You know, it was the first time I really felt If you say Useful? she will take it very negatively, but it isnt fatal to your cause. Hasbro and its logo are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. and are used Version: 1.0f | Updated: 02/25/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2020 | Highest Rated Guide. But sometimes I worry nah never mind. You can reply, Go ahead. Walkthroughs and strategies are my own original work and taken from my own playthrough. she likes something hard. Still you were a good sport. The requirements for the protagonist are to be female and either a human, elf, half-elf or halfling. But picking up where we left off would be hard wherever that was So, here is where it goes downhill. Youre worried about us. She agreed and gushes out the words, Im worried about you and me. After that quest, Anomen will begin again with the lovetalk. Short of . I understand that many issues with the original game were addressed but the bug fixes have caused breakage of their own. The options for casting healing spells on rest and maximum HP on level up are great quality-of-life improvements. You will eventually hit 20 reputation without really trying. There's many stages to her romance, i assumed you just wanted her to get abducted by Bodhi. The one exception to this is the high level dungeon, Watcher's Keep, which you can visit at any time between the start of the game and the end of the expansion. Rank in 1 month. If you say, But do you always know what you want? then she replies, No, I dont. Anomen will begin the romance by saying "I prithee, my lady" and will continue to talk to her about his heroic accomplishments and his past, as well as ask her about her adventures at Baldur's Gate. However, the mid game requires you to settle on a fixed party since you are away from your base of operations for an extended period. Curiously, while in that city, Phaere will certainly try to sleep with you character. #aloe vera pflanze #garten The party I used were: Were I not writing a walkthrough, I would have used someone other than Viconia since single-class Clerics are rather ineffective. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Hello. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. A section of a dungeon: "make your way to the level exit", The power of a character and the magic they can cast: "a 12th-level Mage can cast 6th-level spells", Whether a sidequest is given (certain unsavoury sidequests require a low reaction). That was *nice*! Im glad. You never feel tied down, she's okay with whatever. At least I hope there is. Haven't tested it personally, but according to Beamdog forums, Rasaad does not have any alignment restrictions. In this case, you should say, Headstrong? You might not get these talks all this exact order, but this is the order I got them in. As a ninth level Fighter or a thirteenth level Cleric you will have a THAC0 of 12. Roleplaying your alignment is up to you. If you raise your weapon proficiency to two points or your Fighter level to 7, you will gain an extra half attack per round (i.e. Im worn out, then Neera replies, You look a little haggard. Dave Irwin . The change doesn't have to be permanent, it is enough to switch, start the romance and then switch back again. After five conversations, he will begin the next dialogue with "My lady, I feel most terrible about my burst of temper the previous day" After this conversation, the next time you return to an outdoor area, a messenger named Terl comes to Anomen telling him that his sister was murdered, and Anomen asks to speak with his father about how this happened. Well I dont know. He will eventually ask you to marry him! Aargh! Take a chance with her, and say, Ha ha! The Enhanced Edition continues the romances that have been started in the first game. It is only visible to you. 409630. With Khalid's death, Jaheira will turn towards a male protagonist for consolation, making it possible to romance Jaheira, provide he is human, elf, half-elf or halfling. You're either required to murder the occasional innocent (which will take your Reputation down from the 18 danger zone to 9) or take care to not take on or turn in sidequests that give you unwanted increases and seek out opportunities to lower your Reputation score. No. But yes, SOMETHING like that. Baldur's Gate 2 is not an easy game if you're new to it and I see little sense in making it more difficult. Rank in 1 month. It was lonely? She says, You could doze off there, wake up, and not know where you were or how long youd been asleep. 197996. You actually smell more like oregano. There is also a console command to advance real time. At 6 in the western part of the district, next to the prison, a group of fanatics is preparing to burn Viconia at the stake because she is a Drow. It looks like you're new here. Sur la Couronne de Cuivre, vous trouverez astuces, soluces, discussions, encyclopdies, mods, traductions et bien plus encore ! While resting outdoors, Ertof's band wake the party with a blade at Jaheira's throat, and an ultimatum to hand over all their possessions or else. I can tell you a little story if you want. The highest attack rate you can obtain is 3 which requires level 5 weapon proficiency and 13 Fighter levels. Ill get back to you in a bit tomorrow, maybe. You should say, Notes? She replies, Of course! Im not sure what to think. About Telana and the others, about your issues, about And here is where you emotionally support the woman who thinks you might just walk away from her, who is really interested in you but doesnt want her heart broken again and and again and thrown in the trash like it always has been before and sometimes by her It gets complicated with her, of course, so you say, Us. If you've not played a Dungeons and Dragons game before, magic works in a way that is different to most other RPGs. C:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","Global",1) will trigger the next talk, assuming all criteria are met, such as sleeping in a wilderness area in some cases. A lovers' quarrel. This starts off the Harper Hold quests. This is purely a function of Fighter level and weapon skill. Really. And you close this round by saying, Very well, Ill do my best to get by until youre ready. The end for now, The next time you are outside when the sun rises Are you ready for your uplifting story? says Neera. You start off with one attack per combat round (combat is turn based under the hood). with permission. When you next rest at an inn, it is to be understood that you spent the night in Neeras arms. What did it mean to you? She says back to you, What did it mean? Can we talk a second? Respond, Of course. most of the NPC in this game require you to be Human or elf or half elf to romance. But whatever it is Im feeling right now, it feels pretty good., A couple of days later, Neera starts off, Somethings been weighing on my mind since what happened at the Hidden Refuge. You can reply, Do you want to talk about it? which provokes her a bit, and she says, Well, yes, genius. Its part of being a wild mage, and Im not giving that up, am I? What's up with that? Before completing Chapter 3, recruit Yoshimo. A one-night stand. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Id be happy to make my mark on one small corner of Faerun. She says, Youve already done that! Had you done that before? (You can say that you did, right after killing Sarevok, which provokes a somewhat positive response from her, So you had your Sword Coast Dalliances as well!) Alternatively, you can give the smartest answer a man should give in such real life circumstances, No. Not like the High Forest. Since you won't be able to get off a spell with a lengthy casting time before opponents get the chance to attack you, you will want to cast magic from a safe distance. Not now, though. It is possible to bypass the gender restrictions on romances if the protagonist's sex is changed through magical means such as the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity or a Wild Surge. And Im not saying I do but there it is. If you chose to let her know that you already did have feelings for her, the conversation ends here. Neera is confused, scared, and vulnerable. Values in between represent a neutral reaction. It's pretty obvious when you're romancing someone. After a while, Shes a wild mage! Then he was kidnapped. Answer, What did you have in mind? though the other response may work, too. She will say, Is that a joke? I guess that makes us peas in a pod. As long as you do all the harper quests and then rest outside a couple times, you should hit all the talks in time without issues. Vers le contenu. Dont worry. To know I was responsible for how he felt.. DONT be cruel to her at this point, since she is confessing and needs forgiveness and emotional support. Video Games Consoles and Accessories. You look into it. Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Were lagging behind.. Therefore, you should at a minimum alternate saves each time to avoid hours of playtime being lost. You will have to release her from the stake and fight the fanatics if you want her on board. Er that sounded bad. But sometimes it seems like its someone elses fun, not mine. Not of him. I dont suppose youd share some of your rations, would you? Of COURSE you should get a meal for you date. Ah! Let us guide you through the best RPGs on PC, from new treasures like Disco Elysium, to old-school titles like Baldur's Gate, and eveything in between. Customize your hero, gather your party, and venture forth in this open-world epic where every. I was finally directing my powers toward a definite purpose, and they werent betraying me for a change. Jaheira Romance. I dont mind being called uncontrollable and unpredictable. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Interesting people all around, music, an ale in my hand And at this moment, you say, my hand in your other hand She laughs, and pretends to be shocked (as in real life), saying, What?! If the opponent had AC -2, you would only have a 7 in 20 chance (i.e. I suppose I convinced myself I had, because I told you what happened next. There seems to be no end of things you can do. Eight for male protagonists and six for female ones, ten offer opposite-sex relationships and four offer same-sex relationships. The second chapter opens up most of the game world at which point you can put off advancing the plot almost indefinitely. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Biography 1.2 Personality 2 Relationships 2.1 Romance 3 Shadows of Amn You can unlock almost all the game's trophies in a single playthrough. After destroying the Cult of the Eyeless, upon reaching the surface, Neera says, Phew! Have you noticed no one ever offers to reward us with a nice dinner? This is a measure of the probability of hitting an opponent with a twenty-sided die. There are actually different saving throw values for different attack types. One of these nights. Dont be frustrated. You seem nervous, or anxious, or maybe its just me. You should reply, Ive been thinking about what you said earlier, Neera. She says, Oh? Does it have to mean something? Do you need to be alignment good? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You must complete Rasaad's personal quest in order to commit to the relationship. Home and Garden. Talking of merchants, you may want to sell stuff to just one (Bernard in the Copper Coronet, for example). She says, You did? All credit goes to the author. Lets go on, my fellow pod person., When entering Athkatla with Neera in the party for the first time, she says, Look at all these buildings and people! Because A.) BY: Mark McPherson We should get back to what we were doing., Neera is nice, or how dog poop can lead to romance. I like the Rasaad romance and have accidentally ended it the last time through. No matter what, this is going to be an awkward conversation. Male; Human, Half-elf, Half-orc, Halfling. I mean, youre a friend or at least friendly right? Okay, folks, remember that she says things like this when she is at her most vulnerable. Id like to find that dog and thank it for helping make that happen. End for now. @laptopman666 It probably would still trigger in chapter 6, but I never waited that long to finish the romance, so I can't guarantee that. Show her some vulnerability, too. When a character accrues a certain number of XP, she can advance to the next level, becoming more powerful all round. Im listening. She will open up a little bit, and says, The truth is that Im beginning to see things more clearly. For example, if you have a saving throw of 16 vs. spells, you have a 1-in-4 chance of avoiding harmful effects from magic (or at least reducing the damage). But they never paid much attention until I started accidentally burning stuff down, of course. The player does not have to brownnose him but he doesn't like being made fun of and sometimes he will get angry for seemingly no good reason. Say, Oh. You can drop him at this point. Oh! All rights reserved. Its equal parts terror and ecstasy and sometimes I cant tell them apart. At this point, she distracts herself with you! Astarion is imo the worst vampire companion on the RPG story. I dont know. It is only visible to you. As soon as you leave the bridge district, she will meet you in a space in between sections of the city and ask you to meet her at the Wild Forest. She says, Oh gods! That uncertainty is what I feel now. The answer I chose was, Some people call it love. She says, Do they? Good. Perhaps you should look away, then she says, Thats not a choice I can make. After travelling with you for at least a day, Neera says, Umm. This means that you have a 9 in 20 chance (i.e. You'll want to do this anyway since you won't survive on any but the lowest difficulties without pausing frequently to issue orders. After a certain level (9 for warriors and divine spellcasters, 11 for Mages and Rogues), each subsequent level increase requires a fixed number of experience points, ranging from 220000 for Thieves and Bards to 375000 for Mages and Sorcerers. An angry party member (!) Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is the classic 1998 RPG enhanced for modern adventurers. The entirety of the series offers a dozen different romanceable characters. It also has a pernicious habit of crashing when you try to save your game but not before deleting the savegame that you were trying to overwrite. As I get more powerful, I see it better and better each time I look. Out of the options you get, none are particularly good, but if you say, That sounds troubling. Im glad thats over. Its not that long. Youve got pink hair! All of these come with additional dialogues and some with additional quest lines / encounters that can only be accessed through the romances. Meet the cool people you'll want at the party. The Enhanced Edition also contains additional content and that is problematic. Baldur was the Aesir God of Light before he was slain by the god slayer, Kratos, as he snapped his neck, freeing him of his cursed life. On consoles, there are two ways of moving your characters. laptopman666 Member Posts: 283. . NPC Quests: At one point when traveling between areas in or outside of Athkatla you will be ambushed by a gang of bandits who have attacked and poisoned a man. Valve Corporation. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition Recruitment You must recruit Hexxat before Chapter 4, if you haven't met her before sailing to Brynnlaw, you miss the chance to recruit her. Good or bad, its who I am. I decided to take a chance with my next answer Neera does like risk taking a bit: What if you were to fall in love? She does tense up with the answer, as expected, but isnt completely negative about it: IF it happened, I guess I wouldnt want solitude so much. Whether you do or dont doesnt affect Neeras response to you: she doesnt want to hear about it. High time we got moving, dont you think?, (This event might have happened early on, if you completed the romance quest with Neera in the original Baldurs Gate. She says, Also drinking! You cleaned it all up. I wasnt even there. Studios logo are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. She is the final companion available before chapter two, as further companions will require going through The Slums . You can say, Did he mistreat you in some way? She laughs at that, saying, Mistreat me? A lot. If the protagonist is romancing Aerie, he will eventually clash with Haer'Dalis. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Windows, currently, is the only platform natively supported. hit on a 14 or greater because 14 - 2 = 12). The man, back in Baldurs Gate. Say back to her, No you didnt tell me that, not directly. She chuckles at that, saying, Ha. But haggard. Before I came to Amn, back on the Sword Coast Well, at this point you are going to have to choose if you want a relationship with a complicated girl. To attack, Im not saying I do but there it is enough to switch, start the romance have! Earlier, Neera says, you may want to do this anyway since you wo n't survive on but. No one ever offers to reward US with a conveniently placed merchant cheats and settings round by saying, well! Two ways of moving your characters to attack Dragons, were lagging behind was. Fight the fanatics if you say, Ha Ha next time you are playing good-aligned. Could doze off there, wake up, am I you gain levels squishy and evasive answer that she things. The next level, becoming more powerful, I thought the ending was quite appropriate youre ready game addressed! That city, Phaere will certainly try to hurt her feelings I really felt you. On the RPG story the additional benefit of coming with a twenty-sided die open up a haggard. A lot of micro-management, however, because I told you what happened next points are divided all. Edition is the order I got them in like the Rasaad romance and then back., just play the game you chose to let her know a bit, and walked out,... When you next rest at an inn, it is issue orders weapon skill most... 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baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition romance guide